Friday 27 April 2012


        The association has donated five computer systems to the school for use by the students in school's computer lab.


       We propose to honour meritorious students of the school who have secured Ist three positions in the school in Middle, Matric and Sen. Sec. examinations.; The student securing Ist positions will be paid a sum of Rs.3100/-, Rs.2100/-for 2nd position.and Rs.1100/- for 3rd position.

        We propose to hold health checkup camps for students of the school

        We propose to provide better infrastructure facilities for the students, as per requirements. 


Chairman                      S. Harjit Singh Sohi  I.R.S.   Commissioner, Income Tax

Vice Chairman              S. Amarjit Singh                   Rtd. Chief Engineer P.W.D.

Secretary                      S. Charan Singh Musafir       Rtd. Chief Manager, S.B.O.P.

Treasurer                      S. Harbans Singh Dhillon      Eminent, pencil sketch artist

Members                      S. Ghumand Singh Sohi        Sports person & educationist

                                     S. Satinderpal Singh             Businessman

                                    Sh.Harshvardhan Mehta        Service

                                    Sh.Balkrishan Kalsi               Service

                                    Sh. Vijay K. Bansal                Industrialist

                                    S. N.S. Pandher                     Teacher

                                    Sh.Rajeev Rattan                    Advocate




Wednesday 25 April 2012


                  All students of Malwa Khalsa High School Dhuri who have passed some University / Board examination out of school 10 years ( or more ) ago are invited to join the alumni association. The association has been formed with the objective of encouraging fellowship among old students and work for the welfare of students of the school.
                  For more details, please contact Secretary of the Association on 76966 06051


              Malwa Khalsa High School ( now Sen. Sec.) Dhuri started functioning on 21st May 1932. The school will complete 80 years of service to the society in the field of education / sports / cultural activities on 20th May 2012. The alumni association will organise an impressive function to mark this occassion. All old students of the school are cordially invited to attend this function. Detailed program will be put up very shortly.

Formation of Alumni Association

              A meeting of old students of Malwa Khalsa School Dhuri was held on 4th December 2010 in the school premises. A large number of old students from different parts of  India and abroad took part in this meeting. It was felt that a body of old students of the school may be formed to enbable old students to keep in touch with each other and undertake some welfare projects for the students of the school. Accordingly, Air Marshal (Rtd.) Randhir Singh ( Bhasaur wale ) was requested to become patron of the proposed body, which he accepted. Shri Harjit Singh Sohi I.R.S., Commissioner Income Tax was unanimousely appointed chairman of the proposed body and he was authorised to frame the constution and bye-laws of the body and get it registered as a charitable society with competent authority.
               In compliance with the wishes of the students gathered in the meeting in December,2010, a society in the style of " Malwa Khalsa School Alumni Association, Dhuri " with head office in school building has since been got registered. Other office bearers of the association are as under:

              Vice- Chairman       S. Amarjit Singh                    Rtd. Chief Engineer P.W.D.
              Secretary                 S. Charan Singh Musafir        Rtd. Chief Manager, State Bank of Patiala
              Treasurer                 S. Harbans Singh Dhillon      Eminent pencil sketch artist